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Jaswant's Story

Meet Jaswant

When asked how Derby County Community Trust’s Health and Wellbeing programme has impacted on her life, 52 year old Jaswant Kalirai speaks with a beaming smile.

“I’ve got a new found energy, a get up and go attitude – it’s been a life changer!” 

The primary school teacher has only been on the programme for four months having been refereed by her GP, but has already noted a massive change within her life.

“You really want to get stuck in, especially with DanceFit, you have a laugh in-between dances and when you’re in the moment, you dance like nobody is watching because you know that nobody is judging you.

“Both the staff and participants are so warm and positive – they make you feel like you’re really cared about around the clock – having the Whatsapp chats makes you feel part of a team, people are always sending positive messages and the coaches regularly share tips.”

Attending gym sessions along with the weekly DanceFit class around her working hours, Jaswant believes the programme has helped to make changes in day to day life.

“It’s a subconscious thing, like going to the supermarket and parking further away from the entrance to get some additional steps in, or when you make dinner and have the music on, I don’t stand on my phone anymore, I’m dancing around the kitchen!

“If I didn’t take that step when the opportunity first arose, I’d be walking aimlessly and I wouldn’t have a target – I’d wake up not being bothered. Now, I sign up to sessions every week and once I’ve signed up I know I'll go! I’m really glad I’ve done so.

“You never look back, it’s an amazing feeling, a life changer in many ways – it’s been a starting point for me,  I love the classes that I go to and it’s woven its way into my daily life.

“I’ve got a new found energy, and it's benefitted me mentally too. Coming somewhere and being with likeminded people encourages you and spurs you on. It’s lovely meeting new people – it’s changed my life for the better.”

Our Health and Wellbeing programme supports participants who attend a GP surgery registered to a Derby North PCN practice.

Health and Wellbeing

“You never look back, it’s an amazing feeling, a life changer in many ways – it’s been a starting point for me,  I love the classes that I go to and it’s woven its way into my daily life.

“I’ve got a new found energy, and it's benefitted me mentally too. Coming somewhere and being with likeminded people encourages you and spurs you on. It’s lovely meeting new people – it’s changed my life for the better.”


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